Website About Page - Rooting For Blooms

This client needed an About page to welcome new readers of her gardening and landscaping blog. I started with a brief interview to help her define the intent and inspiration behind the site. Then I wrote a brief introduction that showed off the blog’s informative, funny, and approachable tone.

about rooting for blooms - top cropped.png
about rooting for blooms - help for everyone cropped.png

Sponsored Content Ad - surfshark

I created the script for this animated ad showing off the features of the Surfshark VPN service for a sponsored video my client was creating. The narration references the horror theme of the client’s YouTube channel in a lighthearted way, using the silent movements of a phantom as a metaphor for the stealth and privacy that a VPN offers. The live ad appears at the start of this video.

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surfshark - move through the web cropped.png
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surfshark - cutting edge encryption cropped.png

Ebook Descriptions - Saved By Love

I wrote concise, engaging descriptions to accompany the five novelettes of the Saved By Love series in the Amazon Kindle Web store. Each one introduces readers to the book’s lead characters and the central conflict while also hinting at the story’s passion and heat. The ebooks and descriptions can be viewed here.

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